The program aims to train and educate individuals who will be able to look at the internal and inter-organizational relations network in a holistic way, critically address the sub-fields of management and organization, conduct original research in line with ethical and scientifıc principles, and perform managerial roles effectively and efficiently in working life.
Individuals who aim to conduct research in the field of management and organization, gain a critical and holistic view of the area and increase their managerial skills constitute the target group of the program.
Graduates of the program will acquire mental and operational competencies in foreseeing and critically thinking about national and international dynamics in the field of management, adhering to ethical values, conducting original research in the area and producing solutions to managerial problems in working life.

Graduate Requirements for Doctoral Programs

The maximum time allowed for a student to finish the program is 12 semesters. Students who fail to take the qualifying exam in the fifth semester are dismissed from the Graduate School.
Students must take a total of 8 mandatory and elective courses and two specialization courses to meet the graduation requirements. Also, a GPA of 3.0 is required at the time of graduation.

The student who fails the proficiency exam takes the second proficiency exam in front of the same jury in the following semester. In case of failure, the student is dismissed from the Institute.
Students who fail to submit a thesis proposal within six months as of the date of passing the qualifying exam and fail the thesis follow-up examination two times in succession or 3 times are dismissed from the Graduate School